
New Cybersecurity Exploit Exposes Privacy Data in Cloud Native Payment Services

Oxeye research operations has identified an exploit while trying to create an access path using Jaegar, an open-source software for tracing transactions between distributed services. During its examination, Oxeye discovered Jaegar lacked a login and password which allowed access to user data collected/stored by open-source service instrumentation platform OpenTelemetry. As a result, unauthorized purchases on user accounts were
made possible.

The research performed by Oxeye revealed that the Jaeger UI was publicly exposed and did not require credentials for access. In the Jaeger dashboard, both internal and external microservices were visible, as were the connections between microservices. Because many approaches to tracing are implemented in a way where the APIs’ actual parameters are sent via POST parameters, they are not shown in Jaeger. But when the parameters were sent through the GET parameter they were visible – resulting in the
aforementioned security issue.

Oxeye discovered the exploit with one online payment service. The problem was reported to the provider, citing a backdoor path via unprotected exposure to the Internet. This could allow web page refresh tokens of recently reviewed pages held in Jaegar to open access to user PII. When made aware of the exploit, the online payment provider immediately closed the Internet access to the identified Jaegar which resolved the problem.

“While initially looking to show the communication between microservices in these environments, it was realized that the payment provider’s platform was exposed via sensitive data presented in the open Jaeger. Through this security gap, it was possible to login and authenticate into the platform as another user (which was accomplished several times),” commented Ron Vider, CTO and Co-Founder of Oxeye. “This means that a hacker with malicious intent could easily take advantage of this misconfiguration issue and steal the sensitive and PII data of clients. Credit card information as well as sensitive technical data could be used maliciously by using connections between microservices, APIs, etc.”

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), victims of online or internet-enabled crime are advised to file a report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) as soon as possible. Crime reports are used for investigative and intelligence purposes. Rapid reporting can also help support the recovery of lost funds. Visit for more information, including tips and information about current crime trends.

Since reporting the exploit, the payment provider has removed the Jaeger dashboard from exposure to the Internet, resolving the potential for unauthorized access. Oxeye, a specialist in cloud-native Application Security Testing will make every effort to notify application providers of exploits when discovered by the company’s technology platform and team of researchers.

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