CEO TALK Tech Trends 2024

We are going to see more Businesses Using Micro-Segmentation


Sandeep Bhargava, Managing Director of Asia Pacific Japan (APJ), Rackspace Technology Predicts about 2020 technology evolution.

As we venture into 2022, organizations will be looking for ways to recover from the pandemic and serve new consumers with reimagined business models. Just like IT helped organizations survive the crisis, technology is also positioned to serve as the foundation for the new normal. Here are three ways that technology will change over the next year  

The rise of low-code/no-code solutions – Accelerated by the pandemic, we will continue to see this trend especially in the data, AI, ML and IoT space. It will be a driver for smart apps and innovation for businesses into the future. In fact, Gartner has predicted that 80% of technology products and services will be built by people outside of technology fields by 2024. Most will be focused on software development, and many will be constructed with low-code/no-code development tools that give people with little to no technical background or someone with business logic understanding, the ability to stitch together remarkably sophisticated applications. 

In turn, what this is doing is empowering people who don’t necessarily have deep technology capabilities and expertise to be able to build out solutions. From a business point of view, it’s about encouraging experimentation and moving into and then beyond, proof of concepts quickly shortening time to market. These low-code/no-code solutions, which are often serverless, have the added benefit of reducing infrastructure costs. 

Micro-segmenation to deliver customer value – In the age of the customer, one size fits few. And it is with the effective use of data available to businesses, where they can find a competitive edge. Having a holistic view of data from internal and external sources is critical for businesses to discover what makes them tick, so you can deliver relevant experiences and solutions. Understanding your customers will be the driver to business success and impact. In 2022 and beyond, we’re going to see more businesses using micro-segmentation that can lead to highly personalised experiences and compel customers to take action. 

The future of 5G is imminent – If 2020/2021 taught us anything, it is to expect the unexpected. Yet despite the impact of an unforeseen pandemic, we saw great progress in technology, especially as vendors all around the world began to roll out 5G. We expect for this to continue into 2022 and beyond, particularly towards 5G connectivity and how it will impact everything from the mobile market to IoT to a greater proliferation of 5G networks. When 5G becomes a norm, it will fuel a new era of innovation and it will redefine consumer experiences and drive transformation across every industry. 

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