The post Pandemic Marketing e-Book


The COVID 19 pandemic forced industries and businesses across the globe to shift to a digital environment. One of the primary areas that experienced major developments was marketing and advertising. While some organizations went under and collapsed under the weight of uncertainty and unpreparedness, a select few managed to weather the storm and emerge successful. 

We partnered with Gauge Advertising ( to carry out a quick case study of such organizations and wanted to understand the strategies and methods that helped these organizations adapt to these unprecedented times. The post-pandemic marketing ebook is a brief collection of our interviews with the reputed marketing leads of reputed organizations in the technology domain.

We spoke to the heads of marketing, chief marketing officers, as well as product heads to understand what challenges their organizations faced and what steps were taken to overcome the same. 

This ebook aims to be a guide for individuals and businesses alike to help them cope and realign their marketing efforts to obtain desired outcomes that are achievable in this new normal.

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