In the year 2022, IT leaders and CIOs have gone through a very though time. If IT leaders thought they might have a year of consolidation and a chance to get a breather, especially after the accelerated digital transformations they led through the worst of the pandemic, then may not be fully correct.
“We have evolved a TAS24 strategy which is for focusing on all these areas including rebalance the products ad portfolios and focus on the fundamentals needs of Cost economics.”
Nikhil Paul, CIO, 6D Technologies
2022 proved to a period when they had to do even more to steer their organisations towards effective digital transformation. Boardroom expectations of IT have been reset by the experiences of the previous two years. Gone are the days of forging three-year programs. Today’s IT leaders – whether chief information officers (CIO), chief technology officers (CTO) or chief digital officers (CDO) – have to pursue a cloud-first strategy, supporting hybrid working culture, and catering to the needs of demanding digital-savvy customers who cannot be satisfied with nothing less than the very best online experience.
6D Technologies is one such organization, which has deep expertise in deliver innovative solutions for telecom, fintech, and enterprises. The company follows the vision of delivering smart ideas for a transformational experience with the advantage of future-driven technologies like IoT, AI/ML Ops, Big Data Analytics, 5G, Cloud, and more.
We spoke to Nikhil Paul, CIO, 6D Technologies to understand how was the year 2022 for his company.
What do you see as CIO’s top Priority for 2023?
This year we see the transformation of Telcos from traditional CSP to Digital Service Provider (DSP). As a CTIO the top priority is to lead my team and to continue this transformation journey. It’s also important for us to move from Cloudification of our platforms in Telcos to more of Cloud Rationalisations and cost and usage optimisations. This is a major task which we see for all the CTIO’s to focus as major milestones to achieve in 2023. It’s also a strategy for all of us to focus and continue our activity towards Security which is still a very demanding need to be achieved. Internally to all our customers and partners we have evolved a Strategy initiative of TAS24 (Technology Accelerate Strategy 2024) which will summarise and focus on all these key areas above. The outcome for all CTIO or CIO is to meet the Digitalisation journey for all our customer and partners. At the same time also meet the Economics of Cost and contain expenses for the year 2023 and for future.
How have you helped move business forward?
The major focus for me from 2022 was to evolve the strategy to help the digitalisation journey for all our customers and partners across the Globe. 6D Technologies develops technologies in the areas of Digital BSS, Customer engagement platforms, Digital financial platforms, digital service delivery platforms, Sales & distribution, and 5G, IoT, and M2M connectivity. This accomplishment will undoubtedly establish a new bar for our team’s continued work on developing disruptive ideas across all the business categories. We have evolved a TAS24 strategy which is for focusing on all these areas including rebalance the products ad portfolios and focus on the fundamentals needs of Cost economics and enabling the business for work from home and hybrid business model to support the DSP journeys.
Where do you see industry heading in 2023?
Coming from Telco Industry we see a major transformation journey of all our customers and partners to DSP evolution. Some of the areas which will be in key focus will be 5G , AI and ML , IOT & M2M. We see a huge influx of requirements where we see a lot of Enterprises moving from the traditional way of doing business to 5G Enterprise areas. This means not just our partners and customers, but internally the IT and Product originations to be matured to handle this demand from both technology and human factors. This is the biggest focus we have in this year 2023 to enable a smooth transition of this journey with best economics considered. As I have stated before as well every CIO or CTIO is not just a technical function anymore we also focus on the Business bridging to address the best ROI for both our customers and for the organisation.
What are your strategic plans for 2023?
We have a clear strategy plan called TAS24 (Technology Accelerate Strategy 2024) which has been put in action from year 2022 which is a clear roadmap plan till 2024. The key focus on this strategy is to focus on the Cloudification of all our product lines with keeping in track the Cloud Rationalisation and Cost and usage optimisation. This also focus on Ealing our products and Human Resources to enable the journey of Digital transformation of our customers and partners to DSP.
The areas of the TAS24 give very high focus on the human elements of enabling our resources for technological, cultural improvements, sustainability initiatives and enable hybrid work model for adapting them to take these new challenges.
Can you tell about the projects you are embarking upon for 2023?
Our organisation – 6D technologies is focusing on the products and areas of Digital BSS, Customer engagement platforms, Digital financial platforms, Digital service delivery platforms, Sales & distribution, and 5G, IoT, and M2M connectivity. These products are deployed across multiple geographies today connecting humans and delivery social improvement with connectivity. We are also developing these products to meet the DSP journey for our customers and partners. We believe we deliver both ROI and Digital milestones to them in a time to market mode to make them a big success across the globe.