Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Head of IT Security & Compliance, Eastern BankLimited, Bangladesh
In this 21st century we are facing several technology challenges. Some of these are highlighted below:
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Advancement in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have huge potential over the last several years. Machine Learning is an advanced form of AI where the machine can learn as it goes rather than having every action programmed by humans
AI is only as good as the data it is exposed to, which is where certain challenges may present themselves. How a business teaches and develops its AI will be the major factor in its usefulness. Humans could be the weak link here, as people are unlikely to want to input masses of data into a system. If human use AI for wrong purpose then it will bring devastating affect to the world. n this 21st century we are facing several technology challenges. Some of these are highlighted below:
Finding Talent
Talent is the main driver of execution and innovation. The biggest challenge is to find real talent in the field of AI, Cyber Security, and Robotics etc. We need to develop skilled tech people for sustainable development of ICT industry.

Automation and Robotics
There are unlimited opportunity in Robotics. We can automate many of our banking activities using Robotics. We can give fully digital experience to our customer using the Robotics. As robots learn to teach each other and themselves, there is the potential for much greater productivity but this also raises ethical and cyber security concerns.
Data Governance, Security And Privacy
Data Governance will play a vital role in recent years. As many regulations particularly GDPR has imposed and for the sake of organization existence we need to comply with Data governance and privacy regulations.
Cloud Network Issues
Nowadays everybody is using cloud in some of its form ranging personal to business usages.. However, there’s one large piece of the puzzle missing — the network. An organization has a set amount of bandwidth, or budget to spend on it, and hauling the amount of data that users. Again regulation regarding cloud data preservation, destruction & transfer is still an area of concern.