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Security Protection Guide for Enterprise Networks

Enterprise networks require high-standard protection in 2021. Emails, web services, and network firewalls should function like clockwork if you wish to make your enterprise safe. From 2013 to 2015, more than 49% of companies experienced data breaches, and 75% were breached more than once. In 2021, the necessity of providing secure enterprise networks is a question of privacy and security and the very existence of individual businesses. Data leaks, ransomware, and trojans cause millions of dollars in refunds annually due to the overflowing security breaches.

Security components to make your network safer

The security issues should be solved through the three significant steps: security literacy of the enterprise workers, professional security software, and full-fledged VPN functional systems. Include layers in your security networks so that some information could not leak through human errors, voltage jumps, or even hacking from outside.

Security Literacy

Unfortunately, numerous office workers have little to no knowledge about safety frameworks. 49% of North American and European information workers have little understanding of what data should be kept within the company walls. Thus, make the education of your workers the first defense line against the external threat. Beside human errors, certain mistakes can be made through reckless password use or logged in after the workplace leaving. Therefore, a carefully-drawn plan can reduce the possibility of such common behaviors that jeopardize sensitive data. Include courses and vast-informing programs to explain the significance of this knowledge to your employees. Even initial bonuses or extra-hour payments can be implemented to encourage more workers to hear the security courses or learn how to handle their accounts safely.

Professional security software

Consider firewalls and built-in antiviruses to be your first armor. Accordingly, inform your workers to update and keep their firewalls and antiviruses active. If they use Windows 10, Windows Defender should always be active along with other in-built features. Some of them can secure their working accounts, while Windows Security is a credible tool to start from. Entrepreneur warns that firewalls only block the external perimeter of your business networks and may not be so efficient if the virus was brought from-within. Therefore, additional software is required to improve the situation with security within large enterprises that have an internal and external core.

Install third-party antivirus software to improve the result. You need to do credible research on antivirus software to select the best suitable for your company. It should consider internal architecture, internal features of the software, its speed, and its influence on the system work. Thus, some of the antiviruses might cause processing delays or consume many system resources. You can check some security protection targeted solutions to see how this balance between features and security can be found.

Moreover, it will give an idea of how to profiteer from the useful features of different antiviruses for both big and small enterprises. Notably, research the growing danger of ransomware and the antivirus’s ability to protect your company from it. In recent 2017, NotPetya, Russian-military-attributed software, caused billion-dollar damage to the US businesses, while some skeptics claim it to be not ransomware. While its prime objectives might be different and have specific political implications, NotPetya aimed at sensitive military information to take down protection shields and impact the US government. On a smaller scale, similar malware threats have an even bigger impact as they do not have massive support from the best IT experts in the country. Accordingly, forearms are forewarned. Lastly, antivirus software will save your business operation from human error if some workers forget safety protocols.

Consider other options in your business architecture to make it stronger. If your company issues the news and informative data, check it for credibility and sources. Moreover, the use of deep-fake videos rose in popularity and raised ethical and legal disputes. Thus, a company’s CEO deep-faked video asking colleagues to transfer funds to some external source is one of the many examples of using this kind of technology to harm your company. Thus, not only malware in itself might be observed as a security concern. Raise awareness of such cyber fraudsters and ransomware attacks to avoid data leaks or your customers’ info disclosure.

VPN opportunities

Introduce a virtual private network (VPN) for data encryption. VPN hides your data from the prying eyes of those willing to use most confidential data of your company – from the worker’s personal life to your customer’s payment credentials. Using a VPN allows your outbox data to flow safely without being intercepted by competitors, cybercriminals, or other third-party individuals that wish to gain financial ransom. As your business likely deals with multiple systems, the outcoming data should be even better secured than a centralized one. Keep in mind that the bigger your network is, the more vulnerabilities it possesses. Use only trusted VPN producers such as Norton, McAfee, TotalAV, or Intego to avoid security breaches and safety concerns. Thus, Avast and AVG stopped being a credible source of VPN system frameworks and antiviruses as their security and data privacy were compromised due to a loud scandal. As a result, despite many different trademarks in the security field, many of them should be checked before purchase.


Conclusively, enterprise network safety is a meticulous yet highly crucial aspect of your business functioning. To avoid data leaks and financial losses, ensure that data within your company is subdivided into the internal and external layers. To prevent data breaches from within, educate your workers, and teach them the safety alphabet. Your sensitive data’s outer core should be protected not only through Windows Security but also through the credible third-party antiviruses and VPNs. Avoid the possibility of frauding and ransoming from your company through deep-fake technologies. Lastly, include VPN as a must for the outcoming data to avoid its intercepting by your competitors, cybercriminals, and other individuals with malicious intent.

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