
NTT Enlarge 20% of its Data Center Footprint

NTT Ltd. Global Data centers division, a leader in the DC market Space worldwide data center collocation and Interconnection Services 2021 vendor assessment, provides a full stack of ITC services and continues to enlarge its global data center footprint by 20% to build a secure future that will interest enterprise and hyper scale 

Global data center is a division of NTT Ltd. Our global platform is one of the largest in the world. NTT s recognized as a leader by IDC in the worldwide collocation and interconnection services market space, spanning more than 20 countries and regions including North America, Europe, Africa, India and APAC. As a neutral operator, we offer access to multiple cloud providers, a large variety of internet exchange and telecommunication network provider including our own IPv6 complaint.

NTT handle data across Europe, North America, Africa, and Asia and major part of India. It distribute and handle global interconnected data center across regional data center networks through key markets such as London, Singapore, Tokyo, and Virginia in North America. Its expansion in data center services provides increased data centre capacity and network connectivity across all geographies. The new data campus was unlocked in Hillsboro on 2020/2021. Hillsboro campus features five data centers with 126MW of planned IT load and subsea connect trans-pacific network connectivity service that provide connectivity between Hillsboro, Oregon Tokyo, Japan using NTT’s pacific crossing (PC-1) subsea cable system.

Over the next two years, NTT will increase its available IT load in EMEA by over 40% as it build 13 new data centre buildings across nine market in six countries to deliver an added 115MW of IT load across 50,000m2. NTT will begin its first data centre in Madrid and Johannesburg as well as adding to building to Vienna.

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