Executive Movements News

Manuj Desai joins Alembic Pharma as CTIO

A senior executive leader with over 20+ years of experience, Manuj Desai joins Alembic Pharma as CTIO. He has worked in many large organizations in various leadership roles. He has expertise and experience in general management of mid to large-size organizations, corporate development, product development, business operations and strategy.
In his previous role at STL – Sterlite Technologies Limited as Global Chief Information Officer, Manuj has demonstration his capability of Product Development, Process re-engineering, Analytics, Visualization, Automation, Digitization, Info Security, Industry 4.0 & Data Science. Enabling Digital Transformation across multiple Business Units and corporate functions.
He has also worked as India Head for Personal Insurance at AIG enabling process innovation, pricing and underwriting applications, InsureTech automation, decision tools development, digitization, catastrophic modelling, and predictive modelling.After spending 12 years in the USA, in 2011 he relocated to India from USA to manage the Global Operations and Delivery for PayPal India,
In USA he worked with US Department of Agriculture (USDA) creating the As-Is and the To-Be abstractions layers for Investments, Business Process & Functions, Application and Data.
Prior to USDA, he played a key role in Managing the Revenue Targets and Funding for all the Midrange Information Technology solutions for Sprint-Nextel.
Have also had the opportunity to work in other countries including Canada and Morocco.

With a strong commitment to provide affordable education to all, serve as a honorary board member for an educational trust. Manuj is also author of various articles and books. To name of a few “Demystifying the Concepts around Deep Learning” & “Understanding Bias Variance Trade-offs in Machine Learning”, “Clinch the Deal – Negotiation Strategies to Get What You Want”, “Deep Emotional Learning Simplified – Managing anxiety for cognitive leaders”, are important.
He is a Master’s Certificate holder in Project Management, George Washington University

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