
IT leaders Need a Reliable Partner

Sushil Goyal, Co-founder & MD at Rahi

How can IT leader shift their focus from infrastructure – on-premises, in the cloud or at the edge of the network – to workloads keeping the current situation in mind?

In a post-pandemic world, it is ideal to migrate workload to the cloud for benefits and to prepare for the next unforeseen disruption. When the emphasis shifts from infrastructure to workloads, decision-making focuses on service delivery rather than IT architecture. Organizations’ should focuses on service delivery rather than IT architecture. Organisations should focus on performance, availability, security, compliance and other technology and business requirements to determine workload placement. Some legacy applications can be migrated to software-as-a-service solutions, while others may need to be hosted in a good option because they allow running applications data from geographically dispersed sites network edge.      

How can enterprise enhance customer experience by managing workload placement?

Digital usage has skyrocketed at organizational and industrial levels. Many businesses adopted digital transformation quickly nd enhanced the work-from-home culture. A hybrid cloud is the intersection of an off-premises, hyperscale cloud service and privatized IT infrastructure that you run as a cloud. A hybrid model is here to stay, businesses must adapt and cope with the transformation while preserving productivity and raising engagement levels. Rising remote and workforce needs a model that preserving productivity and raising engagement levels. Rising remote workforce needs a model that differs from traditional systems for easy collaboration of remote and on-premise employees. Hybrid workplace allows remote staff to continue to operate seamlessly. Employees feel independent and competent in executing their responsibilities with less room for micro-management. Real-time collaboration allows teams to work closely from home and office thus significantly increasing their productivity and commitment. Businesses can now opt for remote working instead of letting employees commute to the office for daily operations. In hybrid workplace, employees need to visit the office occasionally so they can save additional travel expenditures and save substantial money. Businesses today are adapting to changing work cultures to achieve higher sustainability. In most hybrid cloud deployments, while the customer retains control for one part of the hybrid cloud infrastructure, there is no way to leverage capabilities of the public cloud service provider. This significant, as historically, location has never been part of any cloud computing contracts. The enterprise cloud index found that 63% of Indian enterprise increased their investment in hybrid cloud ad direct result of the pandemic compared to 46% globally. Migrating to a single or centrally managed hybrid cloud involves integrating different specific cloud brands and providers, and their native or proprietary features and components. When data passes between different cloud environments, it is vulnerable to a lot of attacks. Employees can access customer data from the private cloud or on-premises datacenter.

What is the role of hyper scale data centers in reshaping India’s IT landscape?

With increased usage and more dependability on IT infrastructure everything is scaling and becoming ‘Hyper’. As a result of their massive size, they impose significant environmental costs. Data centers are now attempting to operate on renewable energy to optimize their resource utilization and reduce environmental impacts. The trend will continue, and we will seeing more and more innovation in sustainable components with improved efficiency. A Hyperscale Data Center is a huge warehouse-like structure having its own servers, routers, storage system, powerhouse, and networks. This is generally used for big data and cloud-based applications. With ever increasing demand for data, hyperscale data center are expected to grow at an expected to grow at an exponential rate in the next decade. Many industries that previously had no or limited access to the limited access to the IT infrastructure are now moving towards the cloud-based system, primarily triggered by remote working requirements. These Hyperscale Data Centers offer unique ways of energy efficiency and functionality that will make them the preferred choice of facility for most companies. 

How can enterprises normalize wide adoption of cloud-based data centers?

The pandemic has changed the global working model. Organisations have adopted hybrid work culture and as a result, companies are shifting to cloud-based data centers. Innovation, efficiency, and sustainability will be the driving force behind any data center technology going forward. Cloud servers, imply that you are using someone else’s resources, whereby the provider ensures quality and maintenance of the system, ensuring better resource optimization. In cloud-based data centers, the data is remotely stored, managed, and backed up on a regular basis. Quality service providers offer the option of securely transmitting data and receiving them via a public network. At any given time, files and documents stored online can be accessed from anywhere. Building a data center from scratch requires a huge Capex and time. Cloud-based systems enable seamless customization and scalability. Businesses can buy more storage and even reduce it as per requirements. According to Gartner’s research, user spending on data centre infrastructure will reach $200 billion by the end of 2021, a 6% increase over 2020 levels. You have complete control over your data to ensure that its completely secure from unauthorised access. Cloud-based hosts are prone to data leak and hacking as mostly perceived, but in actual practice, they are constantly upgraded with cybersecurity protocols to make sure that all the safety measures are in line and user data is secured.

There is a massive need for IT leaders to plan for unpredictable situations of the future as the third wave is going to hit very soon. Your view points.

IT road-mapping always comes with a level of unpredictability. It is the nature of the fast-evolving, competitive era we now live in. To stay competitive and sustain business despite the challenges, IT leaders need the ability to acquire and deploy technology when they need it. Not when their budget cycles allow, which come about every 3-5 years. The best option is to consume technology through a service-centric consumption model and pay only for what you use and when you use it. This flexible IT consumption model will be ideal for IT leaders in today’s time when business and technology needs are constantly evolving. Businesses also need to deploy a network architecture that enables operational efficiencies and is flexible enough. IT staff are inundated with management tools, dashboards, and a slew of ad hoc technologies that often may not align. Therefore, they need a resilient network architecture. And lastly, IT leaders need a reliable partner who can leverage the most flexible IT consumption model and network architecture for sustaining business and reducing risk in a constantly changing and uncertain market.  

Is it possible to normalize the WFH culture for the enterprises as the demand to accommodate remote workers and customers has increased again?

Our products have played an important role in enabling remote work during the pandemic. To support and facilitate remote working we added multiple offerings to our portfolio. The multi-cloud strategy has become ubiquitous, providing a means to avoid vendor lock-in and maintain flexibility. It has become especially important during the pandemic as a means of supporting work-from-home models. we introduced Elevate Subscription Services (ESS), which is a leasing model for corporates. The corporates can lease or rent out A/V and conferencing items for a period of two or three years. With ESS, we deliver a platform as a service (PaaS) which is typically known as the most complex SaaS infrastructure for organizations to implement. Through our extensive industry experience, we streamline the setup, deployment and managed services for organizations. The global pandemic presented an opportunity to truly understand what will be demanded by organizations in the future and how organizations’ critical infrastructure needs will need to be supported. Hence, we came up with this offering. There has also been a significant rise in the use of Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS), in which a cloud service provider delivers VDI capabilities for a monthly subscription fee. The value of VDI and DaaS in this “new normal” is clear. By centralizing the desktop environment in the data center or hosting it in the cloud, VDI and DaaS provide remote workers access to the applications and data they need using virtually any device.

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