IOT News

Huawei, partners jointly release NB-IoT Smart Gas Solution White Paper

Shenzhen Gas, China Telecom, GoldCard and Huawei have jointly released their NB-IoT Smart Gas Solution white paper. This white paper analyses the problems and challenges encountered by China’s gas industry, and proposes a smart gas solution based on the IoT platform and NB-IoT technology.

This solution involves the solution value, business model, and practice. As the first systematic and technical document to describe the smart gas industry, the release of this white paper has great significance for gas companies, telecom carriers that deploy the NB-IoT smart gas solution, and the promotion of commercial applications of smart gas.

In recent years, city gas has made great progress. However, city gas services face challenges in areas like city safety, customers’ service satisfaction, enterprises’ profitability, and regional energy supply and demand balance. Gas enterprise operations also encounter many management problems, as well as problems in other areas. These include difficulty in reading meters, and charging and payment issues.
In recent years, city gas has made great progress. However, city gas services face challenges in areas like city safety, customers’ service satisfaction, enterprises’ profitability, and regional energy supply and demand balance. Gas enterprise operations also encounter many management problems, as well as problems in other areas. These include difficulty in reading meters, and charging and payment issues.
The NB-IoT Smart Gas Solution white paper systematically describes the NB-IoT smart gas solution. This solution uses the system architecture of cloud, pipe, and device to meet the requirements of ICT future-oriented evolution. This solution involves the terminal layer, network layer, cloud platform layer, gas application layer, and other layers. IoT, cloud computing, and big data are used to integrate these layers, and support construction and fast rollout of smart gas applications.

This solution provides NB-IoT technical support to ensure wide coverage, low power consumption, and stable and safe transmission. It also provides a unified IoT platform for connection management, device management, and application enablement so that gas companies can focus on their application development to provide better application services for end users. In addition, the overall solution provides the E2E security defence system to safeguard terminal, network, platform, and application layer security. Additionally, the use of a lightweight DTLS security mechanism reduces the impact on terminal power consumption and guarantees the reliable operation of the system even in the case of attacks.

The pilot experience of Shenzhen Gas, China Telecom, GoldCard, and Huawei proves that the NB-IoT smart gas solution can bring enormous social and economic benefits in that it not only safeguards city security and reduces social management costs, but also balances regional resource supply and demand and reduces OPEX to maximize benefits. At the same time, the partners also opened an NB-IoT smart gas meter commercial trial, clearing a path for similar projects to be deployed in the future in Shenzhen and further afield. This has created a new starting point for helping to build Shenzhen as a TechCity, and create a new smart life in Shenzhen.

The future smart gas solution will be extended to smart family, smart community, and smart city uses, which require a unified IoT platform to realize cross-industry device management and linkage. Based on the IoT platform, in addition to the smart gas infrastructure, the smart terminals in each household (such as a smoke detector, and audible and visual sensors), the access control system of each neighborhood, outdoor cameras, and the physical security system of each city, can all be integrated into the IoT platform to achieve interconnection, information monitoring, and life cycle management.

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