News Security

Check Point Software Technologies Earns Top Spots in 19 G2 Leadership Grids

Kristin Owens

Check Point’s products have been ranked as leading solutions in 19 categories of security software on G2.  

Check Point customers are showing a lot of love. In the January 2023 G2 Grid rankings for best business software, our customers pushed Check Point solutions to 19 top leadership spots. Check Point solutions earned leading badges for 14 product categories with grids. We also earned five badges for products that do not have dedicated category grids. This winter, we are designated as a Leader and/or High Performer in Next-Generation Firewall Software, Cloud Security, Endpoint Protection Platforms and Mobile Data Security categories. 

“This winter, we are designated as a Leader and/or High Performer in Next-Generation Firewall Software, Cloud Security, Endpoint Protection Platforms and Mobile Data Security categories.”

Kristin Owens, Head of Functional Marketing & Executive Engagement, Check Point

NGFW Firewall Software 

Customers praise Check Point Next Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) for many reasons, but especially for delivering the highest level of threat prevention against both known and unknown cyber threats. Comprehensive features make it easy to protect and manage security for on-premises and remote users and assets. Based on Check Point Infinity Architecture, Quantum security gateways deliver consistently high performance and scalability with easy installation and manageability for any size of business.

Customers indicated that they love our unified management capabilities. Many describe the great control and visibility they have over user identities, access control and application control. Customers also call the management console a “one-stop-shop” for policy management, monitoring, granular logging insight and reporting.

For related network security capabilities, Check Point VPN, IPS, Antivirus, DLP and Policy Management solutions also earned leadership recognition in their respective categories. Products that do not have categories but earned leadership or high performance badges include Check Point ZoneAlarm Extreme Security, URL Filtering, Advanced Networking and Clustering, and the Check Point Security Management Portal. Whether physical appliances, virtual appliances or firewall-as-a-service deployments, Check Point integration and automation capabilities are saving time and reducing management costs for customers around the world. 

Cloud Security

Check Point’s comprehensive portfolio of cloud security solutions earned high rankings in six cloud-related categories. Avanan, a Check Point Company, leads the Cloud Email Security category for customer satisfaction. One reason is because it replaces the need for multiple tools to secure the complete cloud collaboration suite. The other reason is for its advanced protection against phishing and malicious emails. 

In the Cloud Data Security Software category, Check Point CloudGuard Network Security, CloudGuard Posture Management and Harmony Email & Collaboration again earned leadership recognition. Customers with public, private or hybrid clouds describe these solutions as easy to use and deploy, as well as delivering outstanding threat prevention across applications and devices. Check Point CloudGuard again ranked among the top 50 solutions for Cloud Workload Protection Platforms. The same advanced protection is securing servers, cloud infrastructure and virtual machines (VMs) from threats. The product also won accolades for Cloud Compliance, providing unified control of security across multiple cloud infrastructure and easy monitoring for compliance with security frameworks. CloudGuard Posture Management moved up higher in the leader quadrant of Cloud Content Collaboration. Customers commented specifically on its ability to deliver comprehensive visibility into cloud services and workflows as well as overall security posture.

Endpoint Protection Platforms

Check Point Harmony Endpoint is winning rave reviews in the Endpoint Protection Platforms leadership quadrant. Customers love its advanced security features, especially its detection speed and accuracy. They also cite its easy integration, deployment and management as key capabilities that offer more control with a great experience. Many customers also mentioned the AI and machine learning technologies as extra benefits that keep endpoints protected against the latest threats without false negatives.

Mobile Data Security Software

Check Point Harmony Mobile and Check Point Mobile Access both earned Leadership recognition in the Mobile Data Security Software category. Customers like the accuracy of its URL filtering and protection against malicious applications and phishing attempts. Both products also provide deep visibility into mobile security while being easy to integrate and manage.

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