
Bot-SoWins Oracle IoT Challenge

The robot built by Kolkata based Edifixio among six winners of the global challenge

Oracle Technology Network and Oracle Academy has announced the winners of the Oracle IoT Developer global challenge.Crafted with ingenuity and inspiration, the three winning entries in the professional category came from India, Belarus and Spain. The entries included apps and robots for home automationand office designusing Java and IoT(Internet of Things) technologies.

Kolkata based IT company Edifixio India Pvt ltd. won the contest with their winning entry Bot-So, a smart social robot that interacts with you via Twitter. The robot can be deployed for remote home surveillance by sending commands via twitter. A tweet sent to the robot will trigger it to survey a space when the motion detector is triggered.The robot was developed by DebrajDutta, Tapas Bose, and AvinabaMajumder fromEdifixio.

Speaking about the win, DebrajDutta, Director, Edifixio India said, “We’ve all had a wonderful experience fabricating BOT-SO. We used Java technology to develop it. It’s not just a robot; we tried to personify it by making it present in social media. And what could be a better platform than the Oracle IoT Developer Challenge to showcase BOT-SO to the world. We are really excited about this project and believe it will have a lot of good use in society. We are thrilled that we have won this award and we look forward to doing a lot more things to take BOT-SO further and be a key contributor to the IoT revolution.”

The winner from Belaruswas a full-featured, automated greenhouse to grow indoor plants. The Smart Greenhouse lets a farmerremotely control and monitor light, temperature and humidity of the ecosystem using an application. The greenhouse developed by DzmitryYasevich, PavelVervenko, and Vladimir Redzhepov also allows a user to check the growing process remotely with time-lapse photography.

The entry from Spain was an innovative design for connected office space. The Lhings connected table allows an employee use a RFID chip to set up a preferred office environment, for e.g. turn on or off the lighting according to pre-set preferences. Developed by David Peñuela, José Pereda, and Jose Antonio Lorenzo, this smart table connectswith the smartphone to update an employee’s presence in the space. The RFID chip also allows automatic billing if the employee has coffee from a coffee machine in the room.

In addition three teams from Tunisia, Morocco and Russia won the contest in the Students category. The winning entries included ePot smart gardening that enabled remote access to control the environment for indoor gardening (Tunisia), an authentication system that used voice recognition for login (Russia) and a conference voting system (Morocco) that helps rate conference sessions, presentations and keynotes using NFC chip on the back of attendee badge.

The three professional teams and the first place student team have won a trip to JavaOne that will be held in San Francisco from Sept. 28th to Oct. 2nd, 2014.

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