Company’s third-generation latest line of Latex print portfolio delivers new levels of productivity and affordability enabling customers to manage a variety of print jobs and...
Will work with eight leading universities and their students to help train Watson on the language of cyber security IBM Security has announced Watson for...
Will team up to bring Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute to Canadian business customers as Bell Cloud Connect provides access to Microsoft Canada cloud services over Bell’s...
Communication and collaboration technology have become the lifeline for any enterprise or business for a long time. But there is a surge in disruptive technology...
Wins three Silver Stevies at the 2016 American Business Awards; honored for B2B Brand Experience, Mobile Marketing Campaign and Corporate Social Responsibility Programs of the...
The market for hyperconverged integrated systems will grow 79 percent to reach almost $2 billion in 2016, propelling it toward mainstream use in the next...
Enhances its Threat Management Platform with Security Orchestrator and cross-platform updates to provide intelligence-led detection, automated response, and unification of multivendor environments FireEye has launched...
Achieves another record quarter with 99% software subscription license growth; further demonstrating ongoing customer value by outstanding renewal and expansion rates MapR Technologies has achieved...
Builds industry-first maritime Big Data Platform for Nippon Kaiji Kyokai for use by maritime businesses, which aggregates ship and marine weather data Fujitsu has built...
Partners with Facebook to launch ‘Product Design Initiative’ to catalyze world class solution development for Indian Startups and Innovators In a bid to evangelize the...