
Atos Ranked N°1 in Dow Jones Sustainability Index for IT Services Sector

Ranked first in the IT Software & Services Group, which includes about 200 companies worldwide

Atos has been ranked n°1 as the most sustainable company in its industry group in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World and Europe, on the occasion of the publication of the results 2016 compiled by RobecoSAM.
Atos ranked first in the IT Software & Services Group, which includes about 200 companies worldwide. Atos got the very high total score of 84 points out of a maximum of 100 points with an increased note in most of the factors under economic, environmental and social categories. This is the fifth consecutive year that Atos has been selected as a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices.

Thierry Breton, Chairman & CEO of Atos, commented, “We are proud that the performance of Atos in the Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability area has been recognized by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) placing us as the sector leader in 2016 both in the DJSI World & DJSI Europe Indices. Atos’ recognition reflects our continued and long-term commitment to place extra-financial performance at the heart of our corporate strategy to better serve our clients and partners by offering them always more innovative digital solutions on a sustainable basis. At Atos, we are thus playing a leadership role globally in using digital technology to create lasting value for our clients and to build firms of the future in a more sustainable society.”

RobecoSAM, together with S&P Dow Jones Indices, performs an annual evaluation of over 3,800 listed companies which results are yearly published in September compiling one of the most comprehensive databases of financially material sustainability information. The Atos’ sustainability performance demonstrates Atos’ commitments to tackle the most demanding sustainability challenges of its clients in the 21st century.

This latest recognition follows a series of awards granted to Atos including the highest ranking of the Global Reporting Initiative – the GRI G4 comprehensive option – for its Corporate Responsibility Integrated Reports. Atos was also recognized as global IT leader by the CDP on the A list of its Climate Performance Leadership Index and received a Gold Recognition Level based on its EcoVadis CSR rating.

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