SBI Mutual Fund, unveiled its first AI-powered voice assistant with Google. The bot is designed to assist investors with information across different areas which includes...
Tech Mahindra has established of a Center of Excellence to provide Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning solutions to enterprise customers. The partnership aims to...
Tech Mahindra Ltd. unveiled the first Artificial Intelligence (AI) based, talent exchange market place, Talex, to address issues related to upskilling, reskilling and talent management...
Site24x7 introduced AI-powered Microsoft Azure monitoring as well as its chatbot integration with Microsoft Teams. Site24x7 Azure monitoring enables IT teams to manage over 100+...
New intent confirmation capability in [24]7 AIVA increases self-service completion rates up to 70 percent [24]7 AIVA, the company’s enterprise AI-powered chatbot, has taken another step forward in furthering...
Artificial Intelligence is often confused with automation, but they are separate and distinct solutions to a common problem It’s no surprise that artificial intelligence (AI)...
MammoAssist categorizes a mammogram as per the American College of Radiology BIRADS Scoring protocol and generates a detailed report based on radiologic parameters including Breast Parenchymal Composition, Calcification,...
Leading global corporations Pöyry and Infosys today announced the release of KRTI 4.0® Artificial Intelligence (AI) Framework for Operational Excellence. The framework overcomes some complex and expensive...
In an industry first, customers will now be able to interact with Airtel customer care through a natural conversation with the Google Assistant Airtel smartphone customers will now able...
46 percent say will use live digital interviewing in the next few years; Full automation will be the way ahead – Chatbots will play a major role Digital...