CIO Profiling

Amitabh Mishra CIO, Vedanta Resources

Amitabh Mishra CIO, Vedanta Resources
Amitabh Mishra CIO, Vedanta Resources

 Industry Experience: 23 years

Academic Excellence: MS in Computer Science from Texas A&M University, USA

Highlights regarding your work/ implementations in 2016: 1. I set up the foundation and leadership of the GE Aviation (India) organization. 2. I led a cultural and organizational transformation of the GE Aviation (India) organization, growing by 250%, simplifying reporting structures and establishing agile practices. 2. My teams delivered the following: (a) Established a new technology platform on Linux/x86 which was 90% faster and which delivered $0.5MM/year savings. (b) 4 ERP releases impacting productivity, controllership, compliance and providing > $ 200MM business benefits. (c) About $8MM in cost savings from 25 new data/analytics features. (d) Achieved operational stability, delivering about $2.5MM in cost savings from vendor consolidation.

Your plans for 2017 from technology and projects’ point of view: 1. Integration between ERPs and Data Lake. 2. $5MM cost out in operations. 3. Establish Predix as the analytical platform of choice in the MRO space. 4. Continue driving Agile transformation in organization.

Your success mantra: I stand for three things: (1) Excellence, (2) Learning and growing, and (3) Seeking feedback.

Your favorite piece of personal technology: Predix analytics from GE.

Hobbies you like to pursue in your free time: I like to mentor executives, staying fit and achieving peace by reading spiritual literature.

Information about your family: My wife, Pallavi, is a director at a major healthcare company, and our son is a primary school student.

One good book you read recently: ‘Everyday Greatness – Inspiration for a Meaningful Life’ by David Hatch

Favorite holiday destination and why: Ooty – because we can unwind and relax and chill (literally)

Social network you are most active on: LinkedIn              

Cuisine that you prefer all the time: Thai

Favorite sport: Tennis

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