
Citrix’s Ten Top Ventures to Participate in Innovators Program

New accelerator model spurs innovation by connecting top entrepreneurs with leading-edge technology, practices and global network of innovators

Citrix said its ten top teams have been selected by an Executive Council of industry leaders to participate in the Citrix Startup Accelerator Innovators Program.

Citrix launched the rigorous three-month program with an innovators intensive three-day session for selected companies. The ten teams will be mentored by seasoned business executives, industry leaders and venture capital investors in addition to being provided with resources, infrastructure support and workspace at the Citrix Bangalore office.

The Program blends leading-edge collaboration, team building, design thinking and lean startup approaches. Innovation teams will learn to develop and bring to market business technology offerings that focus on help people work better. Nascent entrepreneurial teams will learn alongside new corporate product teams, and will also receive seed funding. Participants will also receive mentoring and guidance from seasoned business executives, industry leaders and venture capital investors. In early February 2015 Citrix will host an Innovators Celebration event with presentations sharing key lessons learned and demos from the participating teams..

“Citrix is known for its innovation and industry leading technologies that empower mobile workspaces around the world and we are keen to encourage the growth of the next generation of technocrats in the country. Additionally, through this program, we hope to strengthen India’s start-up ecosystem and support new ideas in the transformative mobile and cloud era,” said Rakesh Singh, VP and GM, Citrix India.

“We’ve chosen the best ones to incubate further and look forward to nurturing them to a state of market readiness. Citrix will ensure to provide the teams with the relevant technology platforms and strategic direction that will help them create world-changing business solutions,” said Charles Fernandes, Director, Operations, Citrix India.

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