An amalgamation of the human mind and expert computing capabilities, Cognitive Computing is being hailed as the path to future advancements. With IT Giants fortifying...
Pega Robotic Automation now unified with Pega BPM platform and CRM applications to automate tasks, streamline processes, and enhance customer engagement Pegasystems announced Pega Robotic...
SysTrack Desktop Assessment Service gives customers a view into their organization’s needs before upgrading to Windows 10 At Microsoft Ignite 2016, VMware announced a new...
Says Organizations Need to Master Two Dimensions of Mobility, Key Technology and Market Trends in the Mobile Space Discussed at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2016 With the...
New Standard for Modern, Mobile-first and Modular E-commerce Platforms, Skava Commerce platform enables unprecedented agility in driving digital commerce programs across retail channels Infosys announced...
Acquisition will strengthen leadership team and deepen technology expertise GO-JEK, Indonesia’s largest start-up has acquired Pianta, a Bangalore-based home healthcare services start-up for an undisclosed...
New Database-as-a-Service and Platform-as-a-Service offerings make it easier to move, secure and optimize workloads, development and data in the cloud Oracle announced a series of...
New security capabilities across Windows 10 Enterprise, Office 365, Azure and Enterprise Mobility + Security and availability of Windows Server 2016. At its annual Microsoft...